Gabriel L

The Stress of the night
By: Gabe Lakey
I'm using this picture because this story is about stress
Nine, nine thirty, ten. I lay on my bed that makes a loud creek every time I make a small movement. I try to let my mind wonder before I go to sleep. I try to think of different situations I might be in later. My mind starts to wonder to past events already experienced. Stress grabs me by the shoulders with his strong hands and takes me on a journey of every test I didn't study for and ever argument I have ever had just before I can fall asleep, BAM! He slaps me awake just to whisper in my ear with his menacing voice “more stress is around the corner and I will be there tomorrow, the day after and the day after that. He starts to walk out of my dark bed room but you can still feel his presence. Twelve thirty my eyes close and he lets me rest.

This is the song I listen to when I am stressed

        Gabe Ruth
By: Gabe Lakey
Boito, Thomas. cff_bb_41.jpg. April 16, 2009. Pics4Learning. 20 Mar 2013 <>

I am using this picture because the story is about baseball

Beauty is the Tualatin Park baseball field. The way the dirt is smoothen before every game. How the chalk is so carefully added to make a straight line down the third and first base lines. It almost felt overwhelming playing on it. My wolf creek little league team and I were in the zone. There was no stopping us. We fielded every ground ball and every pop fly but the thing that really showed us off was our hitting. By the fourth inning we were already up 13 to 4 and I was up to bat. Sweat was on my brow and intensity in my eye and I was up to bat. The pitch released and the ball was perfect… dead center plate. I cranked my bat back and swung. SMACK! The ball was flying. I ran my fastest around first base and on to second. I hear the cheers of my team grow louder and louder. I see them running towards home plate and we only do that for one reason, a home run. I have never had any feeling like it, the mix emotions were circling around me. Happiness, energetic, but most of all relieved. We had one the game by ten runs because of me. 
                                        This song reminds me of Baseball

1 comment:

  1. I liked the picture of the man stressed by all of those papers. It’s a good expression of how you feel. I loved how you personified stress. You went into detail and made him seem as though he was a real person. Also I liked you onomonopia. It made me feel like I was being smacked in the face. :) I enjoyed reading your vignettes because I have experienced both stress and playing a sport. - Skylar W.
